Asian Flavours Rice Salad


My name is Masha, I am a mathematician by education and a nutritionist with gourmet inclinations by vocation. I believe in traditional nourishment and strive to feed my family simple, delicious but optimally nourishing meals. I am documenting my journey through rediscovering traditional food backed up with scientific evidence.

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2 Responses

  1. Naomi says:

    This salad sounds delicious! I love all those Asian flavours…except cilantro. I really want to like it but just can’t!
    Naomi recently posted…Simple (and Best) Liver PâtéMy Profile

    • Masha says:

      Cilantro is not essential. The cool thing about this salad is the combination of rice and toasted sunflower seeds – these are almost the same size and with the dark dressing the colour difference disappears. This invisible blend combined with the crunch of raw veg results in a “I don’t know what it is, but I need to eat some more NOW” effect 🙂
      Masha recently posted…Salmon Roly-Poly BreakfastMy Profile

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