Liver Butter


My name is Masha, I am a mathematician by education and a nutritionist with gourmet inclinations by vocation. I believe in traditional nourishment and strive to feed my family simple, delicious but optimally nourishing meals. I am documenting my journey through rediscovering traditional food backed up with scientific evidence.

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4 Responses

  1. Naomi says:

    Love the idea of adding a carrot for more sweetness!
    Naomi recently posted…Quick and Nourishing Japanese SoupMy Profile

    • Masha says:

      yes, the combination of fried onions and slightly caramelised carrots is a good addition to anything you want to make tastier and sweater. This combo also gives a dish that characteristic Slavic smell and taste, as you know, I am sure.
      Masha recently posted…One Young Lady’s Food DiaryMy Profile

  2. Danna says:

    That’s really interesting! It’s very similar to the recipe I grew up on, but instead of carrots we put hard boiled eggs, and we don’t put broth in. I was actually planning on making it tomorrow 🙂
    Danna recently posted…Super-Egg DinnerMy Profile

  1. February 8, 2015

    […] sourdough toast with liver butter (click for the recipe), fresh […]

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